Times of recession what could you offer the consumers that would get their attention? Giving away a Netbook (very small laptop featuring built in broadband) for free is a good start. Here is the new (2 week) campaign from Vodafone, which involves a live man, and a Netbook. Simple concept. Find 'Live Guy' and grab your chance to win a free laptop(3 in person and 1 online). He will be travelling across the country starting with
Follow him on twitter for clues to where he will be heading next.
Here is a short clip
Shame about the acting skills, but we let him off as he's still an incredible sportsman.
Hey Guys, thanks for the point, it's fair, although I mean chaps in the sense of a way of addressing people rather than Mike and phil this chris and bob that, in terms of greetings. Hey Chaps, rather than Hi Mike, Hi Phil.
What am I on about it's not a lot of effort is it!? ha ha.
"The hunt has began..."?
My inner microsoft paperclip is loading it's shotgun... :P
Now there's a game! First to shoot Lewis with a shotgun. Road Rash style.
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